London 2017 Stats

Adjusted Rates

Team Adj Try Rate Opponent Adj Try Rate Adj Gather Rate Opponent Adj Gather Rate Adj Margin
Fiji 0.58 0.38 0.89 0.80 13.14
USA 0.58 0.40 0.91 0.73 12.77
Australia 0.54 0.31 0.85 0.80 9.95
South Africa 0.49 0.34 0.91 0.96 8.08
England 0.54 0.35 0.83 0.85 8.03
Scotland 0.37 0.26 0.96 0.87 6.32
Wales 0.53 0.45 0.85 0.81 4.41
Canada 0.43 0.44 1.00 0.80 4.19
New Zealand 0.54 0.45 0.78 0.83 2.44
Argentina 0.41 0.47 0.82 0.79 -1.32
Samoa 0.45 0.52 0.89 0.86 -1.72
France 0.46 0.55 0.82 0.76 -2.76
Russia 0.40 0.49 0.76 0.85 -7.04
Kenya 0.36 0.50 0.73 0.88 -8.93
Japan 0.17 0.63 0.85 0.92 -23.57
Spain 0.14 0.59 0.61 0.95 -26.14


Team Games Opps Opp Rate Gathers Gather Rate
Argentina 5 45 9.00 37 0.82
Australia 6 55 9.17 48 0.87
Canada 6 44 7.33 43 0.98
England 6 43 7.17 37 0.86
Spain 5 50 10.00 31 0.62
Fiji 6 53 8.83 48 0.91
France 5 39 7.80 32 0.82
Japan 5 40 8.00 33 0.82
Kenya 5 43 8.60 32 0.74
New Zealand 5 42 8.40 33 0.79
South Africa 6 40 6.67 35 0.88
Russia 6 54 9.00 41 0.76
Samoa 6 49 8.17 45 0.92
Scotland 6 52 8.67 48 0.92
USA 6 48 8.00 44 0.92
Wales 6 44 7.33 37 0.84


Team Tries Try Rate Con Atmpts Cons Con Rate
Argentina 14 0.38 14 12 0.86
Australia 27 0.56 27 16 0.59
Canada 19 0.44 19 12 0.63
England 19 0.51 19 12 0.63
Spain 4 0.13 4 3 0.75
Fiji 31 0.65 31 24 0.77
France 15 0.47 15 7 0.47
Japan 6 0.18 5 4 0.80
Kenya 12 0.38 12 8 0.67
New Zealand 17 0.52 17 12 0.71
South Africa 16 0.46 16 11 0.69
Russia 18 0.44 18 9 0.50
Samoa 22 0.49 21 16 0.76
Scotland 18 0.38 18 13 0.72
USA 23 0.52 23 16 0.70
Wales 20 0.54 20 12 0.60

Opponent Possession

Team Games Opponent Opps Opponent Opp Rate Opponent Gathers Opponent Gather Rate
Argentina 5 42 8.40 35 0.83
Australia 6 53 8.83 41 0.77
Canada 6 43 7.17 35 0.81
England 6 43 7.17 37 0.86
Spain 5 52 10.40 48 0.92
Fiji 6 52 8.67 41 0.79
France 5 42 8.40 32 0.76
Japan 5 41 8.20 39 0.95
Kenya 5 43 8.60 37 0.86
New Zealand 5 42 8.40 38 0.90
South Africa 6 40 6.67 38 0.95
Russia 6 53 8.83 45 0.85
Samoa 6 51 8.50 41 0.80
Scotland 6 52 8.67 44 0.85
USA 6 47 7.83 36 0.77
Wales 6 45 7.50 37 0.82

Opponent Scoring

Team Opponent Tries Opponent Try Rate Opponent Con Atmpts Opponent Cons Opponent Con Rate
Argentina 16 0.46 16 12 0.75
Australia 14 0.34 14 10 0.71
Canada 16 0.46 16 11 0.69
England 11 0.30 11 7 0.64
Spain 29 0.60 29 22 0.76
Fiji 14 0.34 14 5 0.36
France 16 0.50 15 9 0.60
Japan 27 0.69 27 21 0.78
Kenya 20 0.54 20 14 0.70
New Zealand 16 0.42 16 13 0.81
South Africa 15 0.39 15 5 0.33
Russia 21 0.47 20 14 0.70
Samoa 20 0.49 20 10 0.50
Scotland 13 0.30 13 10 0.77
USA 15 0.42 15 11 0.73
Wales 18 0.49 18 13 0.72

Offensive Meters

Team Kicking Meters Running Meters Total Meters Max. Possible Meters % of Max Gained
Argentina 210 1083 1293 2558 50.5%
Australia 290 1575 1865 2842 65.6%
Canada 105 1444 1549 2781 55.7%
England 244 1232 1476 2483 59.4%
Spain 73 620 693 3194 21.7%
Fiji 61 1743 1804 3058 59.0%
France 258 992 1250 2491 50.2%
Japan 161 686 847 2582 32.8%
Kenya 50 889 939 2626 35.8%
New Zealand 115 1018 1133 2504 45.2%
South Africa 418 1298 1716 2539 67.6%
Russia 237 1358 1595 3468 46.0%
Samoa 52 1462 1514 2951 51.3%
Scotland 335 1311 1646 3017 54.6%
USA 170 1568 1738 2789 62.3%
Wales 189 1331 1520 2766 55.0%

Defensive Meters

Team Kicking Meters Running Meters Total Meters Max. Possible Meters % of Max Gained
Argentina 167 1052 1219 2596 47.0%
Australia 176 977 1153 3515 32.8%
Canada 136 1213 1349 2658 50.8%
England 167 1130 1297 2919 44.4%
Spain 165 1477 1642 2496 65.8%
Fiji 128 1026 1154 3003 38.4%
France 331 1024 1355 2590 52.3%
Japan 93 1520 1613 2319 69.6%
Kenya 130 1132 1262 2273 55.5%
New Zealand 169 1095 1264 2421 52.2%
South Africa 315 1301 1616 2860 56.5%
Russia 139 1451 1590 3011 52.8%
Samoa 258 1401 1659 2995 55.4%
Scotland 160 1401 1561 3428 45.5%
USA 201 1164 1365 2882 47.4%
Wales 233 1246 1479 2683 55.1%

Receiving Kickoffs

Team Kickoffs Opp KO Errors Wins (w/o Errors) Win % (w/o Errors)
Argentina 19 4 9 60.0%
Australia 17 0 14 82.4%
Canada 20 2 17 94.4%
England 16 2 9 64.3%
Spain 28 2 9 34.6%
Fiji 15 1 9 64.3%
France 17 1 12 75.0%
Japan 29 3 19 73.1%
Kenya 24 2 12 54.5%
New Zealand 18 1 9 52.9%
South Africa 17 1 13 81.2%
Russia 26 1 12 48.0%
Samoa 21 3 16 88.9%
Scotland 16 3 10 76.9%
USA 17 2 13 86.7%
Wales 21 1 13 65.0%


Team Kickoffs Errors Wins Win % (w/ Errors)
Argentina 16 2 6 37.5
Australia 27 2 11 40.7
Canada 22 2 7 31.8
England 21 2 3 14.3
Spain 9 1 3 33.3
Fiji 32 2 11 34.4
France 20 2 8 40.0
Japan 10 1 1 10.0
Kenya 15 2 6 40.0
New Zealand 19 3 3 15.8
South Africa 19 1 1 5.3
Russia 19 3 6 31.6
Samoa 25 1 9 36.0
Scotland 21 1 7 33.3
USA 25 1 9 36.0
Wales 21 3 5 23.8

Defensive Contact

Team Contact Opps D Successes D Success Rate D Failures D Fail Rate
Argentina 127 14 11.0% 39 30.7%
Australia 124 18 14.5% 37 29.8%
Canada 99 11 11.1% 51 51.5%
England 138 19 13.8% 39 28.3%
Spain 120 7 5.8% 47 39.2%
Fiji 156 15 9.6% 61 39.1%
France 136 10 7.4% 49 36.0%
Japan 116 6 5.2% 60 51.7%
Kenya 83 11 13.3% 34 41.0%
New Zealand 148 15 10.1% 41 27.7%
South Africa 149 16 10.7% 42 28.2%
Russia 110 17 15.5% 37 33.6%
Samoa 129 9 7.0% 41 31.8%
Scotland 130 22 16.9% 38 29.2%
USA 121 14 11.6% 28 23.1%
Wales 101 11 10.9% 35 34.7%

Offensive Contact

Team Contact Opps D Successes D Success Rate D Failures D Fail Rate
Argentina 93 12 12.9% 35 37.6%
Australia 153 14 9.2% 46 30.1%
Canada 179 15 8.4% 66 36.9%
England 151 10 6.6% 55 36.4%
Spain 109 22 20.2% 22 20.2%
Fiji 131 11 8.4% 60 45.8%
France 87 11 12.6% 30 34.5%
Japan 97 15 15.5% 32 33.0%
Kenya 92 13 14.1% 26 28.3%
New Zealand 109 13 11.9% 52 47.7%
South Africa 98 9 9.2% 32 32.7%
Russia 140 10 7.1% 44 31.4%
Samoa 140 16 11.4% 49 35.0%
Scotland 161 22 13.7% 39 24.2%
USA 122 12 9.8% 45 36.9%
Wales 125 10 8.0% 46 36.8%


Team Breaks Half Breaks Opponent Breaks Opponent Half Breaks
Argentina 9 9 18 10
Australia 16 18 16 12
Canada 21 21 18 11
England 19 15 14 15
Spain 6 10 23 13
Fiji 28 14 15 20
France 16 9 14 15
Japan 11 8 24 19
Kenya 12 7 14 11
New Zealand 16 19 11 16
South Africa 21 7 12 11
Russia 18 11 18 18
Samoa 17 23 14 9
Scotland 13 16 19 16
USA 23 11 14 11
Wales 18 19 20 10

Penalties and Cards

Team Penalties Against Yellow Cards Red Cards Opponent Penalties Opponent Yellow Cards Opponent Red Cards
Argentina 13 1 0 10 2 0
Australia 9 2 0 15 1 0
Canada 19 1 0 15 0 0
England 14 0 0 21 2 0
Spain 14 1 0 9 0 0
Fiji 12 1 0 8 1 0
France 13 3 0 9 0 0
Japan 7 0 0 10 0 1
Kenya 7 2 0 10 1 0
New Zealand 14 1 0 7 2 0
South Africa 19 5 0 12 1 0
Russia 15 0 0 11 2 0
Samoa 16 1 1 16 0 0
Scotland 9 0 0 20 1 0
USA 8 0 0 16 0 0
Wales 12 0 0 12 3 0

Offensive Passing

Team Passes Offloads Offload Rate Errors Err Rate
Argentina 124 19 15.3% 13 10.5%
Australia 203 43 21.2% 12 5.9%
Canada 250 18 7.2% 13 5.2%
England 295 27 9.2% 6 2.0%
Spain 193 21 10.9% 13 6.7%
Fiji 185 62 33.5% 11 5.9%
France 115 21 18.3% 9 7.8%
Japan 186 13 7.0% 13 7.0%
Kenya 148 22 14.9% 14 9.5%
New Zealand 166 21 12.7% 9 5.4%
South Africa 161 13 8.1% 10 6.2%
Russia 231 19 8.2% 17 7.4%
Samoa 198 26 13.1% 10 5.1%
Scotland 316 41 13.0% 13 4.1%
USA 261 17 6.5% 13 5.0%
Wales 208 35 16.8% 8 3.8%

Defensive Passing

Team Passes Offloads Offload Rate Errors Err Rate
Argentina 178 33 18.5% 14 7.9%
Australia 216 22 10.2% 10 4.6%
Canada 164 16 9.8% 14 8.5%
England 220 21 9.5% 13 5.9%
Spain 231 24 10.4% 11 4.8%
Fiji 224 26 11.6% 21 9.4%
France 210 31 14.8% 10 4.8%
Japan 172 23 13.4% 4 2.3%
Kenya 145 22 15.2% 11 7.6%
New Zealand 254 32 12.6% 10 3.9%
South Africa 248 23 9.3% 8 3.2%
Russia 204 31 15.2% 10 4.9%
Samoa 220 34 15.5% 10 4.5%
Scotland 214 19 8.9% 11 5.1%
USA 195 28 14.4% 12 6.2%
Wales 145 33 22.8% 15 10.3%


Team Rucks Wins Win % Opp Rucks Wins Win %
Argentina 38 33 86.8% 52 4 7.7%
Australia 67 62 92.5% 67 11 16.4%
Canada 102 99 97.1% 40 6 15.0%
England 73 68 93.2% 80 12 15.0%
Spain 65 51 78.5% 56 4 7.1%
Fiji 20 18 90.0% 73 3 4.1%
France 34 33 97.1% 64 4 6.2%
Japan 49 42 85.7% 46 2 4.3%
Kenya 46 41 89.1% 27 4 14.8%
New Zealand 44 38 86.4% 71 3 4.2%
South Africa 50 46 92.0% 75 6 8.0%
Russia 79 75 94.9% 44 7 15.9%
Samoa 79 67 84.8% 55 5 9.1%
Scotland 73 62 84.9% 74 11 14.9%
USA 54 50 92.6% 65 8 12.3%
Wales 52 48 92.3% 36 2 5.6%


Team Scrums Wins Win % Opp Scrums Wins Win %
Argentina 9 8 88.9% 7 0 0.0%
Australia 8 8 100.0% 10 0 0.0%
Canada 5 5 100.0% 9 1 11.1%
England 8 7 87.5% 4 0 0.0%
Spain 6 5 83.3% 9 0 0.0%
Fiji 12 12 100.0% 4 0 0.0%
France 4 2 50.0% 8 1 12.5%
Japan 4 4 100.0% 8 1 12.5%
Kenya 9 9 100.0% 8 0 0.0%
New Zealand 6 5 83.3% 3 0 0.0%
South Africa 7 6 85.7% 10 0 0.0%
Russia 5 5 100.0% 12 1 8.3%
Samoa 8 8 100.0% 5 0 0.0%
Scotland 13 13 100.0% 7 1 14.3%
USA 9 8 88.9% 11 1 9.1%
Wales 10 10 100.0% 8 2 25.0%


Team Lineouts Wins Win % Opp Lineouts Wins Win %
Argentina 3 3 100.0% 8 2 25.0%
Australia 5 3 60.0% 4 1 25.0%
Canada 6 6 100.0% 6 0 0.0%
England 9 9 100.0% 10 3 30.0%
Spain 4 3 75.0% 1 0 0.0%
Fiji 2 2 100.0% 3 1 33.3%
France 6 3 50.0% 5 0 0.0%
Japan 4 4 100.0% 1 0 0.0%
Kenya 2 1 50.0% 5 0 0.0%
New Zealand 4 4 100.0% 4 0 0.0%
South Africa 9 9 100.0% 9 2 22.2%
Russia 9 8 88.9% 4 1 25.0%
Samoa 2 1 50.0% 6 1 16.7%
Scotland 7 6 85.7% 3 0 0.0%
USA 4 3 75.0% 5 1 20.0%
Wales 3 2 66.7% 5 0 0.0%

London 2017 – Canada v USA

Score 22 19
Possessions / Opportunities 6/7 (86 %) 7/8 (88 %)
Tries / Possessions 4/6 (67 %) 3/7 (43 %)
Conversions 1/4 (25 %) 2/3 (67 %)
DGs and PKs 0/0 (0 %) 0/0 (0 %)
Receiving Kickoffs 1/2 (50 %) 3/4 (75 %)
Kickoffs 1/5 (20 %) 1/2 (50 %)
Meters / Possible 193/374 (52 %) 196/452 (43 %)
Running Meters 162 216
Kicking Meters 31 -20
Breaks 3 2
Half Breaks 1 3
Penalties Conceded 4 1
Yellow Cards 0 0
Red Cards 0 0
Tackles 10 11
Contact Successes 1/24 (4 %) 0/19 (0 %)
Contact Failures 14/24 (58 %) 6/19 (32 %)
Rucks 11/11 (100 %) 9/10 (90 %)
Scrums 1/1 (100 %) 2/2 (100 %)
Lineouts 1/1 (100 %) 0/0 (0 %)
Offloads / Passes 3/25 (12 %) 4/50 (8 %)
Handling Errors 2/25 (8 %) 3/50 (6 %)

Ref – Richard Haughton

London 2017 – USA v Scotland

Score 21 14
Possessions / Opportunities 6/7 (86 %) 7/7 (100 %)
Tries / Possessions 3/6 (50 %) 2/7 (29 %)
Conversions 3/3 (100 %) 2/2 (100 %)
DGs and PKs 0/0 (0 %) 0/0 (0 %)
Receiving Kickoffs 1/2 (50 %) 3/3 (100 %)
Kickoffs 0/3 (0 %) 1/2 (50 %)
Meters / Possible 341/498 (68 %) 339/458 (74 %)
Running Meters 265 330
Kicking Meters 76 9
Breaks 2 6
Half Breaks 2 3
Penalties Conceded 1 2
Yellow Cards 0 0
Red Cards 0 0
Tackles 15 20
Contact Successes 5/23 (22 %) 3/29 (10 %)
Contact Failures 9/23 (39 %) 5/29 (17 %)
Rucks 14/16 (88 %) 9/10 (90 %)
Scrums 3/3 (100 %) 1/1 (100 %)
Lineouts 2/2 (100 %) 1/1 (100 %)
Offloads / Passes 5/54 (9 %) 1/50 (2 %)
Handling Errors 1/54 (2 %) 2/50 (4 %)

Ref – Rasta Rasivhenge

London 2017 – Australia v USA

Score 14 31
Possessions / Opportunities 6/10 (60 %) 9/9 (100 %)
Tries / Possessions 2/6 (33 %) 5/9 (56 %)
Conversions 2/2 (100 %) 3/5 (60 %)
DGs and PKs 0/0 (0 %) 0/0 (0 %)
Receiving Kickoffs 3/6 (50 %) 0/0 (0 %)
Kickoffs 0/1 (0 %) 3/6 (50 %)
Meters / Possible 239/659 (36 %) 307/439 (70 %)
Running Meters 210 257
Kicking Meters 29 50
Breaks 2 4
Half Breaks 2 2
Penalties Conceded 1 2
Yellow Cards 0 0
Red Cards 0 0
Tackles 9 8
Contact Successes 1/19 (5 %) 2/17 (12 %)
Contact Failures 6/19 (32 %) 3/17 (18 %)
Rucks 6/7 (86 %) 9/9 (100 %)
Scrums 2/2 (100 %) 2/2 (100 %)
Lineouts 0/1 (0 %) 0/0 (0 %)
Offloads / Passes 8/21 (38 %) 5/54 (9 %)
Handling Errors 3/21 (14 %) 2/54 (4 %)

Ref – Craig Joubert

London 2017 – South Africa v USA Stats

Score 12 24
Possessions / Opportunities 6/7 (86 %) 5/6 (83 %)
Tries / Possessions 2/6 (33 %) 4/5 (80 %)
Conversions 1/2 (50 %) 2/4 (50 %)
DGs and PKs 0/0 (0 %) 0/0 (0 %)
Receiving Kickoffs 5/5 (100 %) 3/3 (100 %)
Kickoffs 0/3 (0 %) 0/5 (0 %)
Meters / Possible 263/400 (66 %) 316/505 (63 %)
Running Meters 198 243
Kicking Meters 65 73
Breaks 3 3
Half Breaks 1 1
Penalties Conceded 2 1
Yellow Cards 0 0
Red Cards 0 0
Tackles 17 14
Contact Successes 1/25 (4 %) 2/20 (10 %)
Contact Failures 6/25 (24 %) 6/20 (30 %)
Rucks 9/10 (90 %) 13/14 (93 %)
Scrums 0/1 (0 %) 1/1 (100 %)
Lineouts 0/0 (0 %) 1/2 (50 %)
Offloads / Passes 2/31 (6 %) 2/34 (6 %)
Handling Errors 1/31 (3 %) 1/34 (3 %)

Referee – Sam Grove-White

London 2017 – Kenya v USA Stats

Score 0 47
Possessions / Opportunities 5/8 (62 %) 10/10 (100 %)
Tries / Possessions 0/5 (0 %) 7/10 (70 %)
Conversions 0/0 (0 %) 6/7 (86 %)
DGs and PKs 0/0 (0 %) 0/0 (0 %)
Receiving Kickoffs 3/6 (50 %) 1/1 (100 %)
Kickoffs 0/1 (0 %) 3/7 (43 %)
Meters / Possible 85/518 (16 %) 415/452 (92 %)
Running Meters 85 357
Kicking Meters 0 58
Breaks 0 6
Half Breaks 2 2
Penalties Conceded 3 1
Yellow Cards 0 0
Red Cards 0 0
Tackles 9 11
Contact Successes 1/14 (7 %) 5/16 (31 %)
Contact Failures 5/14 (36 %) 2/16 (12 %)
Rucks 7/10 (70 %) 4/5 (80 %)
Scrums 1/1 (100 %) 2/2 (100 %)
Lineouts 0/0 (0 %) 1/1 (100 %)
Offloads / Passes 4/24 (17 %) 3/43 (7 %)
Handling Errors 2/24 (8 %) 1/43 (2 %)

Referee – Ben Crouse

London 2017 – USA v Wales Stats

Score 12 28
Possessions / Opportunities 6/8 (75 %) 7/8 (88 %)
Tries / Possessions 2/6 (33 %) 4/7 (57 %)
Conversions 1/2 (50 %) 4/4 (100 %)
DGs and PKs 0/0 (0 %) 0/0 (0 %)
Receiving Kickoffs 3/4 (75 %) 2/3 (67 %)
Kickoffs 1/3 (33 %) 1/4 (25 %)
Meters / Possible 157/483 (33 %) 244/433 (56 %)
Running Meters 157 244
Kicking Meters 0 0
Breaks 2 4
Half Breaks 0 3
Penalties Conceded 1 5
Yellow Cards 0 0
Red Cards 0 0
Tackles 13 8
Contact Successes 2/20 (10 %) 3/17 (18 %)
Contact Failures 6/20 (30 %) 5/17 (29 %)
Rucks 6/6 (100 %) 10/11 (91 %)
Scrums 0/1 (0 %) 3/3 (100 %)
Lineouts 0/0 (0 %) 1/1 (100 %)
Offloads / Passes 2/30 (7 %) 6/40 (15 %)
Handling Errors 4/30 (13 %) 2/40 (5 %)

Referee – Richard Haughton

London 2017 Predictions

South Africa has wrapped up the championship but England and Fiji are battling for second. The predictions below weight Hong Kong, Singapore, and Paris more heavily than early tournaments.

Pool A

Is this when the USA gets by South Africa? SA is 6-0 against the Americans but not without some tight encounters. The Blitzboks are back to form, having conceded only seven tries in Paris, while the Eagles struggled defensively with a 36.4% defensive contact failure rate. Kenya looks like they’ve effectively cashed out on 2016-2017 while Wales missed Treharne who may be back for London.

Team Pool Win % Quarter-Final %
South Africa 76 % 95 %
USA 21 % 76 %
Wales 2 % 13 %
Kenya 2 % 16 %

Pool B

Scotland was the surprise of Paris. With George Horne back they have a dynamic playmaker and produced the most meters of any team. Argentina rolled out a young squad who improved quickly and can push for a pool win here. France did a much better job stealing opponent’s possessions and could pull an upset here, especially against a possession heavy Scotland.

Team Pool Win % Quarter-Final %
Scotland 47 % 77 %
Argentina 34 % 70 %
France 18 % 50 %
Russia < 1 % 4 %

Pool C

Oh, Fiji and New Zealand, this will never get old. Fiji’s ill-discipline caught up with them in Paris but they’ll still be slightly favored versus NZ. Canada has the ability to knock NZ out of quarter-finals. Expect a slow game where a break or two by Canada’s big runners could be all they need. Their contact failure rate was the worst of all teams in Paris but fortunately NZ implements a methodical gameplan. Japan need to make the quarter-finals to have a shot at avoiding relegation. That’s a tough proposition.

Team Pool Win % Quarter-Final %
Fiji 55 % 86 %
New Zealand 37 % 82 %
Canada 8 % 31 %
Japan < 1 % < 1 %

Pool D

England have a manageable pool for their home tournament but must also manage their injuries. Mitchell is out and their backup kickers struggle with conversions, but they do get de Carpentier back. Australia had a rough Paris, winning only one of their own kickoffs and having the lowest defensive contact success rate. Samoa improved in Paris but their pool win over Australia was boosted by McNamara’s red card.

Team Pool Win % Quarter-Final %
England 64 % 91 %
Australia 27 % 70 %
Samoa 9 % 38 %
Spain < 1 % < 1 %

Tournament Finish

It’s the usual suspects for tournament favorites with South Africa leading the way. Outside of England likely crossing over with South Africa or the USA, the quarter-finals shouldn’t force a matchup between any of the top teams. This should produce excellent semi-finals and a great final match of the 2016-2017 series.